Linear Quadratic Regulator control of a self balancing robot in ROS/Gazebo
The objective of discrete-time infinite horizon optimal control problem for a linear time invariant (LTI) system is to obtain control inputs \(u_0,u_1,\cdots\) that solve the following optimization problem
\[\begin{align*} \min_{u_0,u_1,\cdots} &\sum_{j=0}^{\infty} (x_j^{\top}Qx_j+u_j^{\top}Ru_j) \\ &x_{k+1} = Ax_k+Bu_k \end{align*}\]where \(Q\succeq 0\), \(R\succ0\), \(A\) and \(B\) are matrices of appropriate dimension, and the pair \((A,B)\) is controllable. It is a regulator problem, where the aim is to bring the state to origin from an initial condition; extension to tracking problem can be made suitably. To solve, dynamic programming approach [1] is considered in the following. Consider the cost function defined as
\[\begin{align*} V(x_k)&\triangleq \sum_{j=k}^{\infty} (x_j^{\top}Qx_j+u_j^{\top}Ru_j)\\ V^*(x_k)& \triangleq \min_{u_k,u_{k+1},\cdots} \sum_{j=k}^{\infty} (x_j^{\top}Qx_j+u_j^{\top}Ru_j)\\ & = \min_{u_k}\left(x_k^{\top}Qx_k+u_k^{\top}Ru_k+V^*(x_{k+1})\right). \tag{1} \end{align*}\]Equation (1) can be rewritten as
\[\begin{align*} V^*(x_k) = \min_{u_k}\left(x_k^{\top}Qx_k+u_k^{\top}Ru_k+V^*(Ax_k+Bu_k)\right) \tag{2} \end{align*}\]which is also called Hamilton-Jacobi equation. It can be shown that the optimal cost \(V^*(x_k)\) is quadratic in \(x_k\), i.e; \(V^*(x_k) = x_k^{\top}Px_k\) for some \(P\succ 0\) [2]. Hence (2) can be expressed as
\[x_k^{\top}Px_k = \min_{u_k}\left(x_k^{\top}Qx_k+u_k^{\top}Ru_k+(Ax_k+Bu_k)^{\top}P(Ax_k+Bu_k)\right) \tag{3}\]and for optimal control \(u_k^*\), (3) can be written as
\[x_k^{\top}Px_k = x_k^{\top}Qx_k+(u_k^*)^{\top}R(u_k^*)+(Ax_k+Bu_k^*)^{\top}P(Ax_k+Bu_k^*) \tag{4}\]The optimal control that minimized right hand side of (3) can be easily obtained as
\[u_k^*=-(R+B^{\top}PB)^{-1}B^{\top}PAx_k \tag{5}\]and substituting \(u_k^*\) in (4) would lead to Algebraic Riccati Equation (ARE):
\[P =Q +A^{\top}PA-A^{\top}PB(R+B^{\top}PB)^{-1}B^{\top}PA. \tag{6}\]So the LQR consists of two steps: first solve ARE (6) to obtain \(P\) and then use (5) when the algorithm is run in real time with state value \(x_k\).
A simple objective that is addressed is to make the self balancing robot (SBR) go in a straight line and reach a designated origin. Since it is a linear setting, SBR is linearized around the zero pitch angle to obtain the linear dynamics, which is taken from [3], where the dimensions are selected suitably in the teeterbot [4] 3D model for ROS/Gazebo. Using this setting, the detailed implementation code is given in the repository https://github.com/shaikshavali-chitraganti/LQR_SBR_Gazebo.git
[1] Bertsekas, D., 2012. Dynamic programming and optimal control: Volume I (Vol.4). Athena scientific.
[2] Lewis, F.L., Vrabie, D. and Syrmos, V.L., 2012. Optimal control. John Wiley & Sons.
[3] Rajagopal, A. and Chitraganti, S., 2023. State estimation and control for networked control systems in the presence of correlated packet drops. International Journal of Systems Science, 54(11), pp.2352-2365.
[4] https://github.com/robustify/teeterbot